Friday, February 11, 2011

Friday, cont.

Just fed the dogs and it doesn't seem to be any colder -if anything, working, it felt warmer to me. I don't know if I mentioned it last year but Tozier Track is in the city on the entrance side and then a forest of evergreens on the racing side - last year and then again tonite, if the temp and humidity are just right you have this overwhelming smell - a good one- of evergreens!!!! Oh yeah, and Amy came up with a search engine answer for my moon question (which is doing the same thing tonite) - it's caused by cold temps and ice crystals around the halo and makes 'moon dogs' or mock moons." Prize for her!!!!!

Randy's hand is still not painful and tomorrow he plans to splint the 2 worst fingers and wear his usual mitten and hold on with his thumb and index finger - you know I didn't tell you, the one and only time he wears the fur mitts that I bought him about 8 years ago to dogsled and wouldn't you know, he ends up getting the palm
"red dyed" with his hand in it walking back the 6 miles!! Oh well, at least he used them!!

Kim Wells stopped by (she is running a 4 dog team tomorrow and one of them is 10 years old - they live in the house with her) and wanted to know if we needed water but we had already stopped at the Jiffy LUbe to get it today! Getting some pre-race jitters...hope they calm down!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well Good Luck to both of you. I hope you both do good and have fun. NO MORE INJURIES!!!!