Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A total misconception..............

Before I forget, yesterday when we were at the junkyard, as Randy was walking in to the office, an amazing (hope it's gonn'a be an omen........) thing happened, an eagle flew right over Randy - probably 20 ft. over his head!!!

So.........the misconception........

We checked in to the motel and found our room - while we were doing a mini-settling in heard a constant pounding noise from the room on the 2nd floor above us - my comment to Randy is that if they are going to keep that up we are going to have to move to a different room........couldn't for some reason plug into their outside outlet without tripping their breaker so moved the truck over to the place we parked last year and come to find out there were 4 police cruisers in the front of the motel, a fire truck and an emergency rescue vehicle - the sound we heard was CPR compressions......when we came back in the desk clerk told us he had not made it = talk about not reading the signal right on my part.......

Went to the draw meeting and had good food and spent almost $1000 to enter- it is an extremely specia occasion to sit at the table with Arleigh Reynolds and Marivn Cokrine and Egil Ellis at the next and feel a part of the "community of open drivers - the best in the world" -

Randy drew 8th and likely will have Arleigh and Marvine pass him so he already told them to shout "trail" because he wouldn't hear them!

Time to drop dogs for the nite!!

We love you all!!

1 comment:

The Rodenhouse Family said...

Wow, I think you need to write a book about your adventures Chris!
Tell Randy good luck this weekend and have some good runs! We will be listening hopefully!