Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thursday, Feb 24

Yesterday after I fixed us some lunch/breakfast we decided to take a walk down 1/4 mile to the gas station to buy milk - it's a sidewald
k on a very busy road and we couldn't believe how much wind the passing vehicles make when you are that close to the road! Bought milk, a donut, a bag of Alaskan kettle korn to rate compared to ours, a bag of nuts and 1.5 dozen eggs for a mere $17!!!

Watched some "Remington Steele" on Hulu (for some odd reason now I am getting an internet signal up next to the clubhouse.....), fed dogs, dropped dogs and to bed. Had some "restless leg syndrome" going on last nite and generally I get up and read for a while and then it passes.......but with the size of our living quarters that's not an option, so I found every position imaginable trying to get it to go away!

Set the alarm for 7:30 because we knew we had to give breakfast to dogs before we could go to breakfast ourselves at 9am -

Awoke to the sun coming up over the mountains with pinkish/orange sky (which we don't ususally se because we don't get up till 8:30 or so..) and served doggy breakfast. It looks like we are having a new round of diarrhea of a different color going thru' - Andy today - good thing we bought 4 bottles of immodium!!!!

Walked across the street to the bingo hall for the breakfast - I thought about not going because I can never eat $12 worth but it was very good breakfast with mexican omelets, chicken fried steak, bisquits and gravy, sausage, hash browns, corned beef hash, rolls and fruit and juice! we won't have to eat until nite time!!

Came back to the trailer and dropped the dogs just in time to have the charter school kids I had promised to do a short "dogsledding" class for while Randy was in the driver's meeting- about 12 kids and 3 adults came - I had Patent out for them to pet and gave them a tour of the trailer - very well behaved and they were very appreciative!

Now I am in the trailer writing to you (have coverage again.....yippee!) and Randy is out on the Rondy trail - they ask all the drivers to go out on snow machines and help put the road crossing and fences up the day before the race - so don't know what time he will be back - will give you a report then

I forgot to tell you this little story......last week a some point Randy said "you know a part of me will always be in Alaska......." and I thought, well isn't that nice - he is being reflective and philosophical.......then I got it......he was talking about his finger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

The Rodenhouse Family said...

We were listening today to the Rondy coverage! We hope Randy is doing OK! I told Jason I started to cry as soon as they said hes in the bank and lost the team! Hang in there guys! We will be listening and cheering you on tomorrow!