Sunday, February 13, 2011

TA DAAAAA!!! No injuries - but no money either!

It felt warmer this morning at 8am and a little bit lighter than yesterday - we fed and I went out 11th/last so I didn't have any worries about somebody needing to pass me today (I did give a good pass to one team yesterday which accounted for some of my time..). I did have problems with my goggles again today even thought I didn't wear a neck warmer and breathed through my nose hoping not to fog them-----didn't help - maybe it had to do with the spray cleaner I used on them Sat morn - Becky Voris did suggest that I put dish liquid on them but I didn't get her phone message soon enough - it wasn't as bad as yesterday - today I could see through about 1/2 of the lenses!! so I did better as I felt more comfortable having seen the trail once and could actually see better and Randy advised that I could probably use the mat a little less - and so I did - I didn't get my final time but I took 2 minutes off my time from yesterday!

Randy went out feeling pretty good but his dogs were a bit tired today and he actually was 4 minutes longer and dropped down to 19th - we can only hope that because he has trained them to go a moderated speed to be able to do the 20 and 25 mile races that they are just in that frame of mind and that 16 miles just wasn't long enough. He didn't have any problems and no passes today - so other than being out of the money, he had a good run.

1/2 hour after the race finish they had the awards ceremony across the street at the Tudor Bingo Hall - free to the racers dinner of shrimp, chicken, beef sides and a salad bar! no cooking for me tonite! At the meeting they had someone from the ABC tv station that wanted to interview racers that had done this race and were also going to do the Fur Rondy - so Randy went up and got interviewed - it is supposed to be on tv but I don't know when - just wanted to know where we were from etc. Sooooo, it's 6 our time and we are both exhausted - going to feed at 6:30 and then drop and to bed at 9 - I tell ya' I never looked forward to bedtime more as I have in the last 4 weeks!!!!!!!


Trenkle Family said...

Whew! no injuries is a very good thing! Do you have any races between this one and the Fur Rondy?

DeKuiper Racing said...

Nope - just training!

Trenkle Family said...

Great - now you can relax for a bit and hopefully, Randy can do some training and heal!

Pilot son said...

I'm glad you both had a clean run. I hope you hand is healing dad. We lost 2 chickens last night Cindy said. Something got into the coop and killed 2 of them. We've seen a possum around but not sure what did it. I started training today in MEM and it was the normal fire hose of information but not as bad as some airplanes I've been trained on. Happy Valentines day!