Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tuesday at Tok, Alaska

Stayed the nite at Fast Eddy's restaurant and motel (actually it is Young's motel) and they even had wifi!!! Ate dinner in the restaurant and it was so good to have salad bar! It's funny what things you miss after not having them for just 2 weeks -speaking of which technically, it was just 2 weeks ago today that we left home for the second time - and accounting for stopping for generator problems and to train at Hartum's, not too bad. Had the roads been better we would have been here much sooner. See by the weather on TV that you all in the East are going to get a blast of bad weather - it is still fairly nice here, probably about 20 degrees F - no snow here last nite but Anchorage got quite a bit. We have been up and fed dog breakfast (still about 5 or so with the scoots, we are not out of the woods yet......) but Randy is feeling better. He slept like a rock and me not so good without the noise of the generator running all nite. We will be packing up soon to drive over to Dale Raito's in Tok to see if we can train today and tomorrow on his most excellent trails and then head up to North Pole to drop the dog at Arleigh Reynolds and then to Fairbanks to get the other dog from Ed Streeper to Jennifer Probert. Those 2 are not very good at getting in their boxes so it will deifinitly cut down on the workload! May be back over her in the next day or 2 to use wifi but if not, will catch you down the road!

Beth Edge wins the prize (you will be curious from now until we come home to know what your "prize" will be!!) for identifying the bird.....it's a magpie!!!

1 comment:

Trenkle Family said...

I can't wait to see all the pictures! So glad you made it to AK and can't wait to talk to you! :)