Saturday, January 10, 2009


Friday, Jan 9
Just after I left you yesterday we had the fastest customs crossing of our lives!!!!!! We don’t know where he was going or if it was just the beginning of his shift or the end but the customs guy just asked us where we were going, how long and if we had any firearms and said OK (he was putting on a flack jacket at the same time so in our imagination we thought perhaps he was in a hurry to confront some drug lords trying to cross the border and us trying to smuggle dog meat into Canada was just “small potatoes”!
Amazingly, the currency exchange was in our favor this year ($560 for $500) so that must be a sign I should buy some “stuff” while we are in Canada
We arrived at Warren , Ontario about 11am after sleeping in the parking lot of a mall just outside of Sudbury. It was pretty quiet until about 4am when the front end loader started dumping snow on a huge pile right next (like 20ft. right next) to our bus! Not to mention the engine noise, he banged the bucket 4 or 5 times to get the snow out and it sounded like a gong being bonged in the bus!!
The setting for the race is lovely farm country- fairly flat and we are parked right across from 2 horses in their corral.
The drivers meeting took way longer than it should have –the times and drawing for place for going out today were goofed up and what should have been over in an hour took 3 – the most fun was seeing friends we don’t see except when we race. And we met some new people – they’re from the Czech Republic (flew in to Boston and drove here in a rented motorhome) and their little 2 year old boy.

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