Sunday, January 25, 2009

It's not exactly what he wanted.........

But I think it is very good to come in 10th overall, especially when he had to load a dog today!!!! She usually runs up in the middle of the team and Randy says it's like she turned around, saw him and didn't like being at wheel (at the back of the team) and immediately started pulling back = he was gaining on the guy in front of him because he left 2 minutes sooner (in 7th) than RAndy, cause he could see him out ahead, but when he had to stop and load the dog, and then carry her 1/3 of the trail on the sled, he ended up moving down to 10th. It was still very windy and cold so parts of the trail were blown in again today. Randy says it was very apparent that the team slows down after 14 miles so we will be working on endurance/conditioning training some more on the trails here (besides it's great to have a free internet connection!!!)

We went to the closing ceremony and awards and I took a picture (above) of our Czech friends that I babysat for, they are the man and woman on the right of the bronze medal winners (on the far right) and of the fine showing of USA in the 4 dog race.

While we were feeding dogs we found out what "feaux d' artifices" in the brochure means: it means total panic for the dogs when fireworks start shooting off 100 yards from them!!!!!!! I got my side in as quickly as I could but they were crazy to get in their box or under the truck!!!

It been an interesting, challenging, controversial and tiring 9 days - tomorrow it's off to St. Camille (next little town over) to have some work done on the truck by our favorite Quebec car mechanics (this will be the 4 th year they have worked on the truck for us!)


The Rodenhouse Family said...

It may not be what you wanted but you put on a good show. Glad you guys stuck it out and wanted to let you know we are looking forward to seeing you in Laconia. Have a safe trip (and a good time).

Pilot son said...

Well, it's not 1st, but it's not last either... Good job! I hope the truck issues are not too major. I'm off to work tonight and will have to spend three days this week in Oakland, CA. It'll probable be in the high 60s...again.

Aeja says, "I love you and hope you are having fun."

Take care and be careful.
