Sunday, January 11, 2009

End of the first race

I will be trying to get some writing done before we leave the building here (they gave us free internet access for the weekend) and I know i willmake many mistakes cause Iam in a hurry and extremely tired!!!!
My 4 dog team did very good today = no stopping to pee and had no problem until I caught the team ahead of me and had to pass , then the 1 year old was nervous and jumped over the other dog and ended up with her leg in the other dog's harness!

Randy had no problems with all 3 of his races and found out amazingly that the runner ( the plastic piece that allows you to slide smoothly on the trail on the bottom of the ski/runner) was gone from his sled when he finished today - so the runner that I saw this morning was his and he ran the unlimited team yesterday and today without plastic on one runner which not only slowed him down alot by probably cost him at least $200 in prize winnings!!!

WE are exhausted and will be leaving tomorrow I thing for Daaquam for the next race in Quebec!

I mentioned the people from Czech republic - I baby sat for him again this morning (always ready to promote good international relations!!) while his mom and dad skijoured raced and he was much better this morning - didn't throw anything at me today!!!

Time to go feed the employees!!!!
Love, Cris and Randy


Trenkle Family said...

Hi Mom & Randy!

It sounds like things are going well so far- yea!

If you get a chance, check out our blog:
Pictures are up of the puppies - we put down a deposit, so it looks like we're getting one!

Love you!!!


Mitzi Chavis said...

Hi there!

Good start to the racing season. You must have been really hopping to get four teams raced. Hopefully that gave every dog a chance to race.

I'm sure your bodys are ready for a rest. Good luck healing up those aches and pains.

Missing plastic...hmm...I bet you'll be checking runners before every class now. Does anyone still scrape and wax runners daily?

Thanks for the updates and call. I really like the blog!

Love you

pinkmusher said...

Congrats on the runs. As Mitzi said I'm sure you will be checking the runners now. Stroker is leading with her daughter by her side just fine. Mom wanted me to tel you this. Good luck this weekend. Kathi