Thursday, January 29, 2009's exactly what it looks like!!!

He said "do you want to go for a snowmobile ride?"..........bad move on my part! Course he says he couldn't have gotten it out of there without me so I guess it is a good thing I went! The funniest part is that he doesn't know the old nursing trick of pulling together on "3" so it took us a little while to get out - do you see how deep that ditch is (about 8ft.) and how close we were to being all the way down in it?????? With a foot of snow on the racing trail (just overnite) and not being able to turn very good and having to keep it moving to keep it from bogging down, this is what you get! I was lucky I didn't go down it the ditch - of course it's pretty cushioned!! And believe it or happened again - Randy thought about going the way we had gone around the trail the first time (did you catch that? we actually went around again!) and he says I leaned when I shouldn't have - so I will take this one- and we ended off the trail and sideways again! Luckily Guy was out dragging the trail and he pulled us out of this one with his super 24" track huge machine! After that experience it was time for a nap!

So, in answer to your question Jason - yes the Norwegians and Swedes are still here and going to Woburn (and we are not because Randy doesn't like the trail) and I am assuming they will not all be at Laconia cause they rented vehicles that can't go across the border -Hege Ingibritsen (I know I spelled that wrong) came over to visit tonite while we were feeding and said they would be here 4 more weeks. Do you know that they brought 19 dogs from Norway and thus far the trip has cost them $40,000! I am guessing that's not including renting a delivery type van rental and food and accommodations.

We plan to train here if we can pack it down and maybe to St. Luc de Vincennes (Claude Bellerive's race) trail to train on Sunday - play it by ear.

My extra assignment tonite it to try and find out how to download movies for free (I want to know and Lou Serre is in the trailer next to us and wants to know) So if anybody out there has some suggestions I would appreciate it!!!

Jess, Dad had a new starter, a new belt on the power steering pump because it was slipping, and a rubber flap on the hood at the hinge cause he thought the water that was getting into the engine and causing a stalactite of ice to form (which is not good for the belts when you are trying to start the engine). Today there was another stalactite so now he thinks it is some channell in the metal that separated the 2 front windows. We still have to shift down frequently with the new engine, but we are pulling a trailer with heavy stuff in it, so he thinks it is helping.

Over and out, friends and family!!!

Love you Ocean and Aeja and Caitlin!!

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