Saturday, January 10, 2009

Greetings from Warren, ON, Canada

Verrrrrrrry cold - didn't really hear the temperature but several people got frostbit out racing this morning!! By the time I went out for the 4 dog (here's the deal- yesterday we went around the trail on the snowmobile and found out it was very flat - like no birm to keep you from going out into the field instead of on the trail and very hard and fast and lots of curves so RAndy suggested perhaps I would be less panicked if I went out first with 4 dogs and then could decide if I wanted to run with 6 faster dogs - my horses) so things went pretty good but the dogs tried to get on anothe trail with another team passing by us and I did fall when the yearling I was racing for her first time shied at the people at the finish and I crashed into a bale of hay, fell, the dogs stopped, I got up and took off again and finished 12th.

I decided not to run the 6 dog team and so Randy ran them, an 8 dog team and the best story of the day is that he came in 3rd in the unlimited class (his preference/expertise) with lots of very good competition in the mix!! (38 minutes and 27 seconds for 12.5 miles - 14 seconds behind 1st place!! Of course tomorrow could be a very different day - today he did almost hit a fence post and doesn't remember how he was off running behind 16 dogs instead of on the runners just before a curve!! so his knee is very sore tonite and hopefully will be OK tomorrow with some wrap, Tiger balm and tylenol!

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