Saturday, January 17, 2009

Five course meal for $75!!!!

Holy cow were we surprised when we got to the door of the opening ceremony of the International Sled Dog Race (Les Championnats Du Monde) and I thought it was $25 for the dinner and NOT.
It was delicious!! Wine tasting of some regional wines prior to and then linen tablecloths and 5 courses- soup (don't know what but it seemed like a creamed vegetable much like the carrot soup I had at the old hotel in Quebec City) then salad (like a picture out of a cooking magazine) with some slice of what looked like spam but with lots of other things imbedded) then a cheese plate (with reaaaaaaaaaaaaal blue cheese and many other cheeses I did not recognize) then the main dish, caribou in gravy over noodles (also a picture perfect plate you may be able to see in the picture below) then dessert made with ice cream and maple syrup!!! So even if it was not in the budget, it was worth it to me to network with the other countries and with the USA ( estats unis) team! We almost didn't make it because Randy had shown me and another US musher (Jennifer Probert from Alaska) the trail and then the Serge Pomerlou and his trainer guys and then ran out of gas on the trail and then had to change spark plugs on the trail so he was late getting back and felt really bad so it was pretty easy to convince him it was a good idea to go!!!
Then back to the lodge/race site for fireworks shot from across the river , very close and beautiful and then Indian dancing (and when they invited us to dance with them on the dance floor the recognized the Randy had Indian danced before by his "moves"- something he will have to teach Caitlin, Aeja and Ocean!!!)on a stage set up in a huge tent with heat with restaurant then a group of tap dancers doing like "Riverdance" type dancing and then Randy decided it was time to drop and go to bed so we missed the accordian players!!! We have made good friends from around the world - probably most notable is the Jamaicaan dog sledder Dameon!! (borrowing a team from here)

Today has been cold again (it got too cold for the regulator on the propane tank to work so we had no heat for 1/2 the nite and Randy just lit the coleman lantern for heat and then the stupid alarm on the clock went off at 6am for I don't know what reason= so needeless to say I took a nap before Randy raced at 2:15 (was supposed to start at 1:30, things move at a different pace here in Quebec). Randy had a clean run (this is really just training for the dogs he usually runs in his unlimited team) and was glad he had a neck gaiter to cover his face with parts of the trail. He was not really surprised to find out that even thought he went out 3rd, the trail was starting to break up already (not enough packing of the snow) and he felt bad for the next 31 teams!
Got to see our friends the Bellerives today and many more of our racing group!! Time to feed and re-charge!!


Mitzi Chavis said...

Sounds like lots of fun, fine dining, dancing, fireworks, people from all over, and sled dog racing. Hopefully the warmer weather on the way will help get trails packed before next weekend. We got lots of snow today, temperatures are up into the teens and low twenties. Hopefully your heat and hot water will be consistent soon.
love you,

Trenkle Family said...

Forgot to tell you in the email that I really like the pictures in with the blog! When you post them this way, I can click on them and open it up big so we can see lots of detail! Caitlin was wondering if one of the dogs in the picture with Randy is Fratz?

Love you!

Deb Austhof said...


I'm learning about the dog sledding life through your blog. Thanks for sharing your experineces.

Deb Austhof