Monday, January 26, 2009

Today made dog racing seem easy

Extremely cold this morning (I guage the temperture by looking at how much frost had built up on the screws holding the paneling up on the walls = kind of cold = frost on the screw; very cold = frost around the screw on the wood; very cold = frost trail down from the screw in a lonnnnnnggg line! and so it was this morning - the kind of cold that looks like it's foggy in the sunrise, but actually is "permafrost air" ( my terminology) and even your eyelashes frost!! So dog feeding seemed to reveal that the colder air is making the dogs thirstier (they were spending alot of time chewing ice) so we gave them all an extra drink today and they seemed to enjoy (all drank all) then went in to St. Camille for dogtruck maintenance (however things took a real turn for the worse when Randy braked the truck to speak to Max who had waved him over on the drive out; then the 5 gallon pail of meat and water tipped over (which was my fault for not making sure it was down on the floor before we left) on the carpet; then as Randy went out the door to speak to Max he tripped on the lines hanging on the shelves which made him fall onto the snow and pull all of the shelves down that have all of my food stores above the stove; which between trying to dry the rug and fix the shelves and re=store the shelves was about 2 hours (when I had planned reading/rela xing on this day off!) Then we get home to Daaquam lodge and Randy falls over the same lines in the back of the truck onto his back (but thankfully it was on top of the Mother Collard carpeting we had taken out of the truck when we had gotten the water spilled on it) (ps I didn't have a carpet roll to fall on when I was angry and fell outof the back of the truck so I figure Randy got off easy!)

It is cold again and is time to drop dogs from their dinner.
Love you all!

1 comment:

Mitzi Chavis said...

Sounds like you two better be careful and watch your step. You can't afford non racing injuries.
Sorry about having to load a dog...who was it? Although that's better than leaders ducking or quitting. Did Sarah run in lead Sunday? I hope the dogs feet are doing better. Good luck getting some longer runs in. The cold sounds a little too cold. but better too cold than too warm.

Our baby appointment today was good. Strong heartbeat, more and more movement, and a growing growing growing baby.

Have a good week!