Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Training day in snowy Quebec

The plan was to train today and we did- 2 teams of 12- the first team we made do twice around the 7 mile trail with no problem - the second team had been the "back up" for the unlimited team and had only run in the 8 dog class last week so they needed some "miles" - so after we did the 7 mile loop, Randy thought he knew a way to add 5 miles - so we went that way (all the time with the snowmobile; not the sled) and things were going pretty good until the leaders turned right where they should not have; the trail did not look groomed and we thought it might be bad for the dog's feet, so we tried backing up the snowmobile without success (figue it was too much forward pull with 12 dogs) and for sure could not turn them into a deep valley to the left - so we went on the trail which turned out to be the trail that the guides use for dog sled rides/ and we did meet 3 teams on the trail which I had to get off the snowmobile to lead by cause most of their trail dogs are big unruly huskies and malamlutes (which I did bop a few of them on the nose as I led out team around them cause they leaned out and looked like they wanted to "confron"!) and ended getting a few more miles on the team than intended.. One thing I neglected to say about the trail is that ther is a portion (like 3/4 mile) where the left side of the trail is Quebec and the right side is Maine!!! all along the trail there are stands for moose hunting-

Soooo while we trained the second team it really started snowing!!! like 3 inches on the trail since the first team had gone thru!! Lou Serre says we are supposed to get 10 inches in the next 24 hours- it's warmer but snowier!!

Love you all!
Randy and Cris

1 comment:

The Rodenhouse Family said...

We have had good training here as well.16 miles at home last week then we went to Georges last weekend and ran a 16.4 and a 15.1. We had another 16 at home yesterday and will go back to Georges this weekend. We will race Land o Lakes next week and look forward to seeing you at Laconia. Are any of the European team sticking around for Laconia? Are you racing at Woburn this weekend? Love the blog, I look forward to seeing what is happeniung with you guys. Jason