Wednesday, February 29, 2012

After yesterday's sigtseeing tour.......

Not much happening up and fed the "infirmary" I call them because now we have so many of them coughing.....
Austin and Mark Kukal were here in time to help us load them back in - then Randy took out a team of 9 for 6 miles and then we helped several other drivers get out including Guy Girard - he asked Randy to double sled with him so he could get the miles that he wanted with 14 dogs - they had a great run but it was very soft with the extra 6 inches of snow we got last nite and was not groomed off the trail - we are looking at more snow coming - up to 8 inches over the next few days and even though Fairbanks is colder, we may go just to be able to train on a hard trail - more later

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

para-skiiers on Portage Lake

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Austin looking for whales with the tide going out

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Cute picture of Austin with a fake bear in the lodge

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Great picture from the next-to-the-top ski start place - the year we skiid I started up at the next chair lift drop

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Cloudy view from the top in the tram

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Mark and Austin holding on for dear life!

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Did indeed go sightseeing - took off in the car south on Seward hiway saw lots of eagles and saw the tide going out with much of the "Turnigan Arm" down to mud by the time we returned at 5 -
Stopped once at the Beluga whale sighting parking spot and found out from a local that they are only here in the summer....
On to Alyeska, the ski mountain area that Randy and I went to before and he ended up sliding down the slope because the black diamonds in Michigan are not the same in Alaska!! He also swears to this day that he could easily go down the mountain with a dogsled1 So we went up the tram ($20 each) and much to our dismay, as we approached the top of the mountain there was a cloud cover - we made the best of it and took pictures of where we had ski-ed d 14 years ago - the most funny was when we got on to come back down and were the only ones on there and either Austin or Randy made it swing while I was standing in the tram 2300 feet in the air - a little bit "nervy".... left the ski area in search of Portage Glacier a few miles down the road and were disappointed to find out that the glacier had changed after 14 years and was pretty much up on the mountain side and pretty much covered with snow - so it looked like every other mountainside valley - but we were happy to see "para-skiiers" on Portage Lake - lots of snow there and very windy in the valley and very colder that in Anchorage - back on the drive Austin promised to be the "eagle lookout" but drifted of to sleep and snoring even with his best intentions not to do so!

Here we are back at the "ranch" the dogs being hungry and wanting to get out - will feed shortly and medicate all the new dogs with the cough and pains and aches and just some relaxation time!

Rest of Monday -

We did go to the Mac store and they didn't have any trouble getting my charging cord to work - they suggested that perhaps our being plugged in to the building with an extension cord somehow didn't allow enough power - if I do need a new battery (which they said could also be the problem since it's 3 years old) it is $129 -
cross that bridge when we get to it....

Also went to Walmart for both Kukals and us to do some shopping and then back to feed and create "doggie cough syrup" - we bought honey and lemon juice and I kept adding honey and had Randy taste it until it was palatable - they didn't really like it as much as I hoped - still have to pretty much force it on them....this morning there were about 8 dogs that were coughing - Michael Tetzner says he gives his dogs antibiotic and it gets rid of it but I am having a hard time imagining that because I thought the cough was caused by a virus and the antibiotic wouldn't help - it's pretty difficult deciphering what to do as the "DeKuiper dog doctor" because I get advice from other dog drivers, the race vets and then have my own experiences.....

Up late this morning - 9:18 a!! Dropped the dogs and gave cough syrup and said goodbye to the Cooks and Marie and Charlie - Cooks are headed to Streeper's race in Ft. Nelson. Then we watched Ken Chezik get stuck in the parking lot - his bearing seal is still not fixed so he doesn't have 4 wheel drive so it's easy for him to get stuck - Randy and the Kukals went over and pushed him out!
After we drop dogs we are planning to head for Seward for some sightseeing!!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Ken in the starting chute

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the Kukals in front of the tracking board

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The guy insisted I try it on.....I didn't even look at the price tap!

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Me and "Balto"

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Winners with Miss Alaska

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Kenny and Randy with Kevin Cook and Egil Ellis

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See the "MSU" on the splint!!

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Randy thanking me.....and several others!!!

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Kenny's moving speech....

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Marie -Anick Elie and Charlie at the banquet

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Not sure how long my computer will last today....

In order to get it to charge with the cord I have been opening it and then it will charge - today that is not even working - perhaps I need a new battery???

So much to get written!!!!
You may have seen/heard that Randy stayed in 20th place after the 3rd day - he had such a good run going and had passed 3 teams and was going to arrive first at the finish line and we were soooooo excited - we could see him and I was ready to take pictures because Nathan Sterling was right behind him and then the team stopped and my heart dropped into my stomach.....then the chute help started to help and he was moving again......and then he stopped and I saw him going up to load Rocky, the leader.....and I threw my hat, gloves and camera and started running into the chute as fast as my tired little legs would go......just as I got to the leader, Chelsey she was ready to go and Randy finished but not without 2 other teams passing him at the good news was he had a good run with the 10 dogs, but Rocky just couldn't do it any more and he thinks the crowd yelling so loud for the first team to finish just clinched it!

All in all, pleased with how the dogs did. The German graduated from MSU's vet school arrived after the race (picture to come..) and put a splint on Marnie's leg and then topped it off by putting green tail wrap on it with "MSU" in white tape!!!

Drove over to the Office Depot parking lot cause that is about the only easy place to park our rig near the Sheraton; fed and then Mark and Austin came to pick us up to shower at their Ramada room - got ready and headed for the banquet - good food- prime and chicken cordon bleu and cheese cake for dessert - we had a wonderful time and it was capped off with Kenny's speech which was very heart warming!! Alot of work goes in to getting to where they are and we are so happy for Ken and Laurie!

Drove back to the track and dropped dogs and then dropped into bed!!!

The dogs thought they were still on "race schedule" so they wanted to get up at 8am - fed and then Kukals were over = we knew Guy Girard was coming today to train some of his dogs with ours so we were ready = also Marie and Charlie and the Cooks were here - I saw some animated conversation over by the Cooks and went over to see what was happening and Kevin had come upon another moose!! He had called his mom on the phone (which she didn't have on her person...) and then called the club house and John went out with the snowmobile and scared the moose off the trail - Kevin later said he was afraid for John because he was no more than 10 feet from the moose and he could have turned on him at any moment!! Everyone did get back safely with no more moose attacks!
Said goodbye to Marie and Charlie because they are leaving for home - she was so sweet to mention us last nite in her acceptance speech as having influenced her to be confident to do the race!! Good people and will look forward to seeing them again!

So Mark and Randy went out with 8 of our "healing" dogs and 4 of Guy's and they went 8 miles double sledding and Mark's words were that he only wished it were longer!!

Who knows what this after noon......may be looking for a Mac battery!!!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

3rd Day!

Sat nite…..
Kukals came about 5:30 and we fed supper with hot water from their bathtub – treated lots of dogs with Arnica (naturopathic treatment for muscle aches – it’s OK to use; not on the “forbidden” drug testing list) and after a vet looked at her yesterday, Marnie gets treated with Rimadyl because she had a stretched/torn or whatever collateral ligament of her back leg – the vet that looked at her went to MSU and is going to bring a splint for her today – she won’t walk on it at all so maybe this will help.
Went to dinner at Micky D’s and if the menu is any indicator, my dollar meal was $1.60 – so that’s a 60% increase in cost of living here!
Came back to the trailer and dropped and treated feet with powder; went to bed right after Kukal’s left .
Up this morning at 8 am with 2 alarm clocks- the one we set and Arrow – she thinks she knows when it’s time to get up.
Fed dogs and were not happy to find that at least 4 of our dogs (2 of them running to day) have the coughing virus that is going around. Hopefully it won’t affect them today and all of the truck will be over it by the time the North American comes in 3 weeks.
On our way downtown I looked over on the side of the street……and what to my wondering eyes did appear……..but a moose strolling through the A & W parking lot……probably stopping in to order a root beer………
Well we are here for day 3 and it appears only Mari Wood has dropped out. Randy is down to only 10 tough dogs: Chelsey, Rocky, Vicki, Blanche, Sioux, Ellen, Larry, Seabiscuit (the 9 year old pipsqueak) Hedwig and Andy.
Just have to make it around the trail one more time!!

Saturday, February 25, 2012


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2nd day of the race…….much cooler – only 11 degrees when we left for downtown – got there about 9:30 and had to wait in line because, thankfully, they were taking snow off the sides of 4th street so the trucks wouldn’t have such a hard time getting to their spots – Randy had to park closer to the finish line today because it was reverse start – so we were about ½ block less running time to the chute……
Mark was in charge of “ball duty” again today (meaning that because it’s cold all the dogs without very much hair there need to have Bag Balm applied to keep them from chafing) and me harnesses and massaging and Randy in charge of feet (Zeus Juice) and dog boots – and Austin manned the poop scoop! (and massaging shoulders). We dropped 3 dogs so Randy went out with only 12 dogs – At the start everything went well except Chelsey in lead started out a little tentative again and I saw that she had the tug line under her leg as Randy left – while Randy was out Austin, Mark and I went down to the fur trapper’s auction (lots of good pictures of the “goods” and the spectators!) – when we came back up to check on the standings we were elated to find Randy had passed 3 teams!! The race marshal told me he had one dog in the sled but he still was going well – at the end Marvin Kokrine was nearing him coming up 4th street but Randy stayed ahead of him! It was one of those “photo finishes”! Randy ended up 16th for the day time and is now up from 21st to 20th – he did have to load Cowboy 5 miles from the finish line – he just pooped out….all in all we are very happy with today (always wish for more but have to be happy with improvement………..) and Randy will drop Cowboy for tomorrow and thinks the rest will do fine……..let’s hope he is right!!
Kukals will be coming over with hot water from their hotel for doggie supper again tonite and then will figure something out for “people supper” when they get here.
More tomorrow!!! Look at the standings on line because things really got “shook up” today – but Kenny is still in lead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!