Thursday, February 23, 2012

Today is Wednesday....

Well we went to the vet/chiropracter and found out that we did not have an appointment with the vet that actually does the chiropractic part… charge but no service and a wasted trip with 2 dogs that had never been in a car before!! A lot of sliding around, trying to get in the front seat, looking out the windows, trying to get in my lap….. Got back to the truck and quick fed and changed clothes and Mark and Austin were so close to the hotel where we were having the driver’s draw that they walked over- got to the Sheraton and it was wonderful to see the 2 of them again! The meeting was up on the 15th floor with a commanding view of all of Anchorage!! Beautiful! We did see the sunset and I will have to see if the picture of Austin turns out good with the sunset in the backround - I brought the Exxon Mobile poster for Austin to have as many drivers as he wanted sign it – so we walked around the room and got just about every driver to sign it- he says his favorite was probably the editor of “Mushing Magazine”, Greg Sellentin. The hors d’hoervres were a bit skimpy but were little cucumber things, salmon things and meat with horseradish things………..not as filling as last year………but a beautiful setting!!
Dropped Kukals off at the Ramada (which is an ideal position for them to stay with only 3 blocks from the Rondy start line! So convenient!)
Today up early at 8 am and off to the vet again – this time we saw the right one and amazingly for sled dogs that have never been in the house as adults, they were perfect patients! He did a complete musculoskeletal evaluation and some adjustments, but no miracles………..Randy was hoping for a miracle and that they would be able to run again in his team right away!! But rest and off for a week and some muscle relaxers………….only $103 to know that there was not something more serious!
Off to get the Kukals and back to the track – the first thing we did was to have Austin go out with Randy double sledding with some of my team and ones that are recovering from injuries – the first thing out of his mouth when they returned was “I can tell how it was in one word………….AMAZING!!!!!” He really enjoyed the trail and the mountain scenery! After we unhooked we noticed that the Cooks were trying to catch one of their dogs ……she ran out next to the trail and then back and as soon as she would see one of them peak around our truck she would head back out – she was heading towards a busy road the last time we saw her and when we just got back from dinner at Golden Corral they were still looking for her for about 5 hours……she was one that Kevin was going to use in the race.
The Kukals are going back to their hotel after we drop dogs and come back in the morning for the drivers breakfast – a big buffet for manly dog drivers!! Let you know how tomorrow turns out!

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