Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Did indeed go sightseeing - took off in the car south on Seward hiway saw lots of eagles and saw the tide going out with much of the "Turnigan Arm" down to mud by the time we returned at 5 -
Stopped once at the Beluga whale sighting parking spot and found out from a local that they are only here in the summer....
On to Alyeska, the ski mountain area that Randy and I went to before and he ended up sliding down the slope because the black diamonds in Michigan are not the same in Alaska!! He also swears to this day that he could easily go down the mountain with a dogsled1 So we went up the tram ($20 each) and much to our dismay, as we approached the top of the mountain there was a cloud cover - we made the best of it and took pictures of where we had ski-ed d 14 years ago - the most funny was when we got on to come back down and were the only ones on there and either Austin or Randy made it swing while I was standing in the tram 2300 feet in the air - a little bit "nervy".... left the ski area in search of Portage Glacier a few miles down the road and were disappointed to find out that the glacier had changed after 14 years and was pretty much up on the mountain side and pretty much covered with snow - so it looked like every other mountainside valley - but we were happy to see "para-skiiers" on Portage Lake - lots of snow there and very windy in the valley and very colder that in Anchorage - back on the drive Austin promised to be the "eagle lookout" but drifted of to sleep and snoring even with his best intentions not to do so!

Here we are back at the "ranch" the dogs being hungry and wanting to get out - will feed shortly and medicate all the new dogs with the cough and pains and aches and just some relaxation time!

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