Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Rest of Monday -

We did go to the Mac store and they didn't have any trouble getting my charging cord to work - they suggested that perhaps our being plugged in to the building with an extension cord somehow didn't allow enough power - if I do need a new battery (which they said could also be the problem since it's 3 years old) it is $129 -
cross that bridge when we get to it....

Also went to Walmart for both Kukals and us to do some shopping and then back to feed and create "doggie cough syrup" - we bought honey and lemon juice and I kept adding honey and had Randy taste it until it was palatable - they didn't really like it as much as I hoped - still have to pretty much force it on them....this morning there were about 8 dogs that were coughing - Michael Tetzner says he gives his dogs antibiotic and it gets rid of it but I am having a hard time imagining that because I thought the cough was caused by a virus and the antibiotic wouldn't help - it's pretty difficult deciphering what to do as the "DeKuiper dog doctor" because I get advice from other dog drivers, the race vets and then have my own experiences.....

Up late this morning - 9:18 a!! Dropped the dogs and gave cough syrup and said goodbye to the Cooks and Marie and Charlie - Cooks are headed to Streeper's race in Ft. Nelson. Then we watched Ken Chezik get stuck in the parking lot - his bearing seal is still not fixed so he doesn't have 4 wheel drive so it's easy for him to get stuck - Randy and the Kukals went over and pushed him out!
After we drop dogs we are planning to head for Seward for some sightseeing!!

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