Sunday, February 5, 2012

I am going to whine a bit......

By the end of this day my poor old, unused-until-now legs are protesting about the abuse I have given them trudging through the snow these last 3 days!! I can hardly walk!!! Who knew you get get sooooooo out of shape so quick!

Final day of the Raven Electric - Randy got a $165 check for 13th place - our new friends Marie and Charlie from the Northwest Territory were back to help and they put on a lasagna dinner at the awards meeting!!! Randy trained the other dogs (at least the ones without the flu bug...) and we are invited over to Pam's for chili and to get the car after we feed the dogs!

Still haven't found our own GPS or one to buy like Randy wants but our trusty friend, Dee is working on it!!

The race today was won by a gal (and I won't try to guess her age but she is someplace between 25 and 55) from Seward AK and 2nd to Michael Tetsner (sp?)from Germany and 3rd by Christian Taveau from France - quite an international flavor....

tomorrow will be a rest day for all of us and trying to get our "kids" over this flu bug they have - got lots of advice today from a vet up here and of course, Laurie Chezik - we are not the only ones with it - Kris Rasey even asked us if we had noticed vomit in her car when we used it and we had not - so it must have been new/recent.

Then we plan to train on Tues and Wed and rest Th and Fr - the Exxon is here on Sat and Sun and we were told today that they spend $100,000 on this race!!!! hope we can get some of that! They put up great big tents and have free food for 3 days (no cooking for Cris...!!!) and posters and commemorative gifts - so I am looking forward to it!

Talk to you tomorrow!!

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