Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines' Day!!

Well the training run with the 11 dogs that were either hurt or sick went amazingly well – Charlie and Marie helped us get them over to the start line (training start line) and then we hooked the tug lines on and they took off – Spec and Diamond still did not well – Diamond maybe shoulders and Spec in heat again for the second year and then doesn’t want to run – so Randy gave them both to Marie – Charlie was not happy!! She is the major “dog force” in their lives and he is support – kind of like me with Randy…….
Next we went to the gas station we always go to here in Anchorage because the guy that owns it is so nice – he remembers Randy every year……..we filled the propane tank so we would have heat back-up – then we fed dogs and decided to move the truck on to a parking place for spectators that is close to the start line – in the meantime it was snowing heavily and before we got re-parked 3 or so inches had fallen! So now we are sitting down by the start line –
Got up this morning and sure enough - 4 inches! We considered training but after we saw John Bunderson leave with a team we decided there was too much new snow to waller thru – so instead Randy went out with John to pack the trail so tomorrow will be a better training trail…….he was supposed to be gone for 2 hours and that was at 12p and now it’s 3:30…….well at least I know he’s not without someone else!!!!
I am in the clubhouse posting and visiting with Christine Tozier (the track is named after her father) and Randy and Dan have been in to say they have a bit more dragging to do on the trail before they are done for the day - maybe not dinner out tonite but burritos in the microwave......

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