Monday, February 27, 2012

Not sure how long my computer will last today....

In order to get it to charge with the cord I have been opening it and then it will charge - today that is not even working - perhaps I need a new battery???

So much to get written!!!!
You may have seen/heard that Randy stayed in 20th place after the 3rd day - he had such a good run going and had passed 3 teams and was going to arrive first at the finish line and we were soooooo excited - we could see him and I was ready to take pictures because Nathan Sterling was right behind him and then the team stopped and my heart dropped into my stomach.....then the chute help started to help and he was moving again......and then he stopped and I saw him going up to load Rocky, the leader.....and I threw my hat, gloves and camera and started running into the chute as fast as my tired little legs would go......just as I got to the leader, Chelsey she was ready to go and Randy finished but not without 2 other teams passing him at the good news was he had a good run with the 10 dogs, but Rocky just couldn't do it any more and he thinks the crowd yelling so loud for the first team to finish just clinched it!

All in all, pleased with how the dogs did. The German graduated from MSU's vet school arrived after the race (picture to come..) and put a splint on Marnie's leg and then topped it off by putting green tail wrap on it with "MSU" in white tape!!!

Drove over to the Office Depot parking lot cause that is about the only easy place to park our rig near the Sheraton; fed and then Mark and Austin came to pick us up to shower at their Ramada room - got ready and headed for the banquet - good food- prime and chicken cordon bleu and cheese cake for dessert - we had a wonderful time and it was capped off with Kenny's speech which was very heart warming!! Alot of work goes in to getting to where they are and we are so happy for Ken and Laurie!

Drove back to the track and dropped dogs and then dropped into bed!!!

The dogs thought they were still on "race schedule" so they wanted to get up at 8am - fed and then Kukals were over = we knew Guy Girard was coming today to train some of his dogs with ours so we were ready = also Marie and Charlie and the Cooks were here - I saw some animated conversation over by the Cooks and went over to see what was happening and Kevin had come upon another moose!! He had called his mom on the phone (which she didn't have on her person...) and then called the club house and John went out with the snowmobile and scared the moose off the trail - Kevin later said he was afraid for John because he was no more than 10 feet from the moose and he could have turned on him at any moment!! Everyone did get back safely with no more moose attacks!
Said goodbye to Marie and Charlie because they are leaving for home - she was so sweet to mention us last nite in her acceptance speech as having influenced her to be confident to do the race!! Good people and will look forward to seeing them again!

So Mark and Randy went out with 8 of our "healing" dogs and 4 of Guy's and they went 8 miles double sledding and Mark's words were that he only wished it were longer!!

Who knows what this after noon......may be looking for a Mac battery!!!

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