Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Busy Tuesday....

Dinner with Doug and Pam Schamber was delicious! We had salmon Doug caught last summer with teriyaki sauce and fresh bread!! We even had “Moose Drool” beer!! After the natives are given exclusive ability to harvest the fish they open it to Alaskan residents and Doug and 3 other guys rented a boat and went on the Kenai River and Doug’s cut of the take was 30 salmon!! He said every time you put a net in the water you would bring up 1-3 salmon!!!
Went grocery shopping to the Fred Meyer store yesterday afternoon and found an adorable gift for our “grandbaby-on-the-way”, Stephen, due in May – can’t tell you what it is cause Luke and Erica read this too!!
This morning we got up slightly earlier (9:30) and while we were feeding breakfast John Bunderson’s handler from Soda Springs, ID came to visit – he ended up coming in and sitting on one of the water jugs while I made Randy eggs for breakfast. He said that on Sunday John was training with his big team, the leaders came around a 90 degree corner and slid into a mother moose and her calf!!!! By the time the mom figured out she should be charging him, they were past her!!! That’s about as close a call as you can get!!!!!
Randy is out with a team of 17 and didn’t know how far he would end up going and he should be back by 3; the vet appt. is at 4, then we have to feed and be downtown for the driver’s meeting (after we pick up Mark and Austin) by about 6!!!! Busy, busy!!

1 comment:

Erica said...

Yes we do read this, so I'm glad you didn't let out the secret!! Sounds like you guys are having a good time up there! We love you!!