Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wednesday posting

This is Tuesday – I believe – so hard to keep track……… Last nite we had burritos a la microwave and then Randy said he was going out with Dan to groom the trails ……..well little did either of us know that grooming trails is an “all night sucker” proposition!! He left at 9pm – I watched 2 movies (Flashdance and Footloose – too bad there isn’t much room in here for me to dance….) and then fell asleep and Randy didn’t get back until after 2am!!!!! Obviously they talked over those 5 hours but Randy didn’t really have much to say this morning – kind of like when I talk to the kids on the phone and he asks me what they said and I can tell him in about 2 minutes!
So this morning neither of us were too enthused about getting up – but the “kids” made their wishes known….so up at 9, breakfast and then a nap right away after….we are too old to do this late-nite stuff!!!
Today ran 3 teams – it was another beautiful sunny day and got up over freezing again – we moved the truck over against the snow bank where they prefer us to park but not without having to use the snowchains to get purchase on the snow we were sitting on!! Flat snow and you wouldn’t think you would have a problem!
More new dogs with the diarrhea – ordered some medicine on line yesterday – suppose it will make its way through all of them – also had to buy more hay for bedding for the dogs that had “accidents inside their coops – you won’t believe this - $16.80 per bale!!!!! Alebeit, it’s a different kind of hay - I can’t remember what Randy said it was but it’s something they are trying to grow in underprivileged countries – the bales were about half the size of our normal bales but weight 60 # - I will let you know how it works as bedding
Oh by the way…….miracles (even if they are really, really small…) do happen! When the front end loader was cleaning the parking lot down to the hard pack and ice, what do you suppose he and Randy saw at the same time?? The no-tip-over dog dishes we had lost!!
Last nite we fed supper, Randy took a nap on my lap, we dropped dogs and then he went out with Dan again to groom the trail. This time he was back just after midnite – which made sleeping in till 10 “appropriate” – in the middle of the nite I thought of 2 more places the gps might be……..nope! I looked all over on line yesterday and even called Garmin to try and get a re-furbished one and no luck – they don’t make them any more and you have to have one to turn in to get a re-furbished one…. So at this juncture, Randy is going to take the car gps, put it into a baggie and tape the baggie to his mitt – we will see how it works…..sure will be a lot bulkier than the wrist one!
Well I wasn’t mentally prepared for the first sled ride of the year but with Randy’s encouragement/insistance we went double sledding with me in the back sled – we took my 6 dog team and it was good that Randy was there because Marnie wanted to turn the wrong way at junctures 4 different times in the 6 miles! It was a beautiful ride, high brims on the trail the pines all covered in snow the dogs did great!
Randy is out with the last team of 10 – he didn’t run about 6 dogs today because of the diarrhea issue – thinking that having them rest may be better in the long run!!

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