Monday, February 13, 2012

Exxon Results

By now you probably know that I went out with only 5 dogs in the 6 dog class and came in last on Day 1 - partially due to people passing me and then not going ahead and then 2 drivers having problems ahead of me so I couldn't go ahead - plus being short a dog because the leader I was going to use with Marnie (Speeder) couldn't keep up with her! So that was Saturday for me; Sunday we pulled up to the start line and my favorite dog, Patent, was looking like he did not want to all! pulling back and plain unhappy - so I had Randy take him out and I ran a clean run with only 4 dogs - I actually thought I was doing pretty good and pumped the whole trail .....but still last - at least I made it around without falls or me causing any problems! Saturday I got passed 3 times and passed another team once!

Randy started out 3rd Saturday and was one of the many teams impacted by Luke Sampson's misfortune of tangling and then losing one of his leaders, who then proceeded to run into Randy's team multiple times. Saturday we dropped 4 of the 16 who were just not working hard and he actually had a better day, was able to pass Mari Wood and by 3 seconds, was able to have a combined time to put him into 15th and the "money" - it was sad to see that he ran 12 dogs but had 12 back on the truck that all should have been in his team -that "flu" bug has taken a toll! hope it is all gone by Rondy time! they had excellant food (home made chicken soup and hot dogs and cookies) in the tents all weekend and then last nite the awards were across the street at the Tudor Bingo hall and we had prime rib!!! very nice!!!

When we got back from dinner Randy thought he would move the truck to a different less icy spot guessed it!! Stuck again! So we sat there last night cross wise in the dog parking lot until this morning when I had breakfast all made and other dog drivers were pulling in when Randy yells - come out here and help me put the chains on, the port-a-john guy is going to pull us out!!! So here I am now, across the side street from the track's parking lot where we are going to try and hook up a team of un-run 11 dogs, try and get them across the street to the parking lot with only their neck lines hooked up and then to the starting shoot - wish me luck on this........

Ocean, that is verrrrrrrry fun that you hooked you pony, Dusty, up to your dogsled!!! We miss you too and love you!!!

1 comment:

Pilot son said...

We're glad you had good runs and no injuries this weekend. I know you've had a tough trip up there so if "misery loves company"...Cindy spilled a full glass of water on her laptop this morning... It shut off immediately and we haven't tried to start it and the started went out of the suburban. Glad it's a spare. Love you.
